
“There are three kinds of men. The ones that learn by readin’. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.”
Will Rogers

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Good day

Welcome to the online home of Kenneth John Odle.

About me:

  • I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology.
  • I also majored in English. (Please see my Resume.)
  • I'm pretty good at explaining things (and I enjoy doing so).
  • As a corollary, I'm also a good technical writer (and I really enjoy that).
  • I have spent most of my career managing, either people, projects, or classrooms.
  • I'm a big fan of open source software (and have spend a lot of time working with WordPress, Moodle, MediaWiki, and DokuWiki).

About this website:

  • A lot of the resources here are items I developed to use in the classroom.
  • Some of the resources here related to open source software packages and are licensed accordingly.
  • I don't update this website as often as I would like, but when I do, you can identify that content like this:
    • A red check mark ( ) indicates new items.
    • A blue chevron ( ) indicates items with recent updates.
    • You can always check the changelog for the latest updates.

Questions, comments, suggestions? Please feel free to contact me. Thank you for visiting today.

Oh, look, it's a bit of JavaScript:

Today is , which is day number of the year.

This Week's TED Talk:

5 Tips to Improve Your Critical Thinking: